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Meet the Loaners

Rent from the most eclectic wardrobe in Britain

Tell us about Luinluland and how it came to be.

Luinluland has grown over the last few years.

It started as pictures of hiking and my lunch when we moved to Portland Oregon in 2014 & the community gradually grew. It really went wild in lockdown when I turned to the internet to cheer everyone up & keep people positive.

At the time, I was separating from my husband, my mothers journey with Alzheimers & my journey into menopause. I talked a lot about my separation & more and more women started following me. It all began to grow from there!

Last year my son graduated high school & was about to embark on a gap year before college and I saw an old RV by the side of the road one day & had an idea to take Luinluland on the road.

Many women reach out to me in response to what I share & I felt like I wanted to go and connect with women in real life, there’s so much power in connection, so I crowdfundeded the bus and packed up my belongings and set off on a road trip across America preaching self love and empowering women to step out their comfort zone, be brave, try new things & embrace their confidence in middle age.

I toured 28 states and 6k miles from Portland to New York and back, throwing events & meeting women and offering help along the way.

I returned to the UK late 2022 & have shipped over my beloved bus Susie & plan to tour her around the UK throwing Clothes Swaps, holding retreats & events to empower women!

Favourite place to be inspired

Onboard my bus,

Driving alone at sunrise in Texas.

Scared & alone

What gets you up in the morning? What motivates you?

I am committed to my mission of empowering women!

Every DM, like or comment motivates me to keep going!

I’ve empowered women to change thier lives!

Go for promotion.

Leave their partner

Say THIS is what I need!

Join a gym

Wear sequins to the supermarket

Shop their wardrobe &  to shake up their style and be more daring

If you could borrow anyone else's wardrobe, who would it be?

Julia Clancey

How would you describe your style?

Unique. Bold. Eclectic. Fun. Joyful.

What would you do if you were Mayor for the day?

I’d have people live in each others shoes for a day just to just see what they are going thorough.

What are people's biggest misconceptions about you?

That I’m a party animal!

I like to be home in bed with a green tea at 10 if I can!

I enjoy day drinking and day dancing!

We live so much online these days what is your most important physical "thing"?

CrossFit & hiking.

I need trees and sea and weights

& other humans of course

Real life is where it’s at!

Life is for LIVING

Running a business can be an emotional roller coaster. It can also eat up endless amounts of time. How do you balance work, health and relationships?

The hustle is hard. In America I was surrounded by so many entrepreneurs & AMERICAN positivity & FUCK YEAH!

I’m very in tune with my body & my head.

I make time to sit quietly & working out gives me clarity and a mental strength.

I’ve discovered I’m stubborn, ambitious & brave too & I’m enjoying owning that!  That’s new!

I believe in what I am doing.

What I post is always real & I am very honest, but I’m sure I have found what I was destined to do!

What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why?

That people online are mean sometimes and that hurts

That not everyone will like you & they shouldn’t

That Mondays when you’re a hustler are really lonely and you’ll miss going to the office some days

That failing & fucking up leads to lessons & magic

That holding your nerve & staying true & honest is the most important thing you can ever do.

What has been your most satisfying moment since starting your business?

Every DM

Every comment

Every email

Every person who recognises me in the street and thanks me for inspiring  them or motivating them or most importantly made them feel like they aren’t alone

Best piece of advice you've had and can share with us?

Take the risk

Find the magic in the fear

Journal everyday

Say yes to everything & see what happens

Stay yourself

Be brave

Step by step

Just keep swimming

Remember you’re worth it every damn day

Write love notes to yourself

Be your own cheerleader

Trust yourself

Head Up. Shoulders Down. Let’s GO!

Life Life - it’s short & sweet

Love your damn self.

L x

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H2 Rich Text element?

H3 Rich Text element?

H4 Rich Text element?

H5 Rich Text element?
H6 Rich Text element?
a person with the smiling

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, block-quotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content. Links should be underlined.

a man with a beard 'can you see your self? fashion top

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customise formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, block-quotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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  • Create an indented list for items with a bullet point
  1. Create an indented list for items with numbers
  2. Create an indented list for items with numbers
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