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A Sizzling Summer of Circular Fashion with LOANHOOD

Summer is the season of endless possibilities and this year, we embraced the spirit of sustainability like never before with our Circular Summer campaign. From fashion rental studios to premium swap shops, we brought the heat 🔥 (because let’s be honest the weather didn't) to circular fashion, and it was a summer to remember.

Fashion Rental: The Heartbeat of LOANHOOD

Our summer campaign kicked off with a bang as we hosted a private event for Soho House showcasing uber-talented emerging designers and independent brands like Hairy Mary, Sonny Jake and Christiana Hadjipapa. Drinks, dresses, Dada and an evening of making pals was the perfect way to kick off our summer.

Swap Shops: The Sustainable Swap Revolution

From Hackney's bustling streets to the Birmingham Bull Ring, we hosted a series of swap shops that brought communities together. Swappers unearthed treasures from high street to high end, exchanged fashion stories, and revelled in the joy of sustainable fashion. One of the highlights included hosting the first-ever Selfridges Swap shop as part of their Worn Again program of events. Delivered in partnership with the iconic department store we took our show on the road across all of their UK stores. At LOANHOOD, we believe that sharing is caring, and our swap shops are a testament to that spirit.

"I feel like we are clothing cupids. It's what I've been telling customers for the last 3 weeks, because we match up the right person to the right outfit. That one item they've been looking for and didn't know sometimes that they're looking for that item. But they come in, they see it, it's got their name on it – it's like soul mates. So we're matching up the right person to the right outfit, and it warms my heart."
Aggy, Selfridges

Events all day everyday: As you have probably guessed we love partnering with like-minded brands such as Fashion District, Beyond Retro and Graduate Fashion Week. Sharing a passion to make a change in the fashion industry is infectious and hosting epic events is something we are always on board for.

“Collaborating with LOANHOOD is always a pleasure and their creative ideas at the Festival were a wonderful way to spotlight our joint commitment to sustainable fashion. Their fashion rental model introduced a new concept for the casual shopper and also sparked conversations with our audience about the importance of the circular economy and the future of fashion."
Helen Lax, Fashion District

LOANHOOD joined forces with Beyond Retro, the ultimate destination for vintage enthusiasts. In this exciting partnership, we brought you an exclusive collection of curated vintage pieces for the festival season, giving you the chance to rent iconic fashion gems.

Dreams really do come true with Luinluland joining the LOANHOOD community, an absolute inspiration with an incredible vintage collection available to rent. Learn more about Luinluland here

Rooftop Film Club: Where Cinema Meets Style

What's summer without a little outdoor cinema magic? For the second year in a row., LOANHOOD joined forces with the Rooftop Film Club to offer our communities a cinematic experience like no other. Under the warm sun and surrounded by the city skyline, sustainable fashion lovers gathered to watch their favourite films, sip on cocktails, attend workshops by the amazing Chloe Baines Studio and indulge in the joy of rental fashion. It was an unforgettable blend of cinema and style, and we can't wait to do it all over again.

A Circular Summer in Numbers

Our circular summer campaign was more than just a whirlwind of events. It was a testament to the power of sustainable fashion. Here's a quick glimpse into our summer in numbers:

  1. 2,500+ Attendees: From our Fashion Rental Studio to Swap shops and festivals, over 2,500 people joined us in celebrating sustainable style.
  2. 4,000+ Swaps: Our swap shops saw over 4,000 items find new homes, reducing waste and championing the circular economy.
  3. Countless rentals: We saw our community rent for holidays across the world, festivals from Glastonbury to All Points East, weddings and graduations.
  4. Endless Memories: Summer 2023 will forever be etched in our memories as a time when fashion, sustainability, and community merged to create something truly extraordinary.

A new chapter

As the sun sets on our Circular Summer, the LOANHOOD team is more inspired than ever. We've witnessed the transformative power of circular fashion, and we're eager to keep the momentum going. Join us on this journey toward a more sustainable and stylish future, where fashion is for everyone, and the planet is always in vogue.

Together, we're shaping a world where fashion knows no waste, and sustainability reigns supreme. 🌞🌿✨

Here is to a new chapter, thank you for being part of the circular fashion movement

Lucy & Jade

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